The mission of Hook Elementary PTO is to create a better working relationship between the home and the school so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the best educational interest of the child. We carry out our mission through a variety of volunteering and fundraising events throughout the year. We invite any parent, guardian, or grandparent of a Hook Elementary School student to join the PTO and support our mission with us. When you join, your child will see first-hand the importance that your household places on education and support of the education system here in Troy.
If you are interested in volunteering for any event or attending our PTO meetings, please reach out to us at our email: or on our Facebook page:
Examples of our PTO Programming & Fundraising:
Restaurant Nights
Class Parent sign-ups
Penguin Patch holiday shop
Mumkins fundraiser
Super Bowl Squares fundraiser
Spring flower sale
Field Trip funding
Teacher Allocation distributions
Meals for teachers during conferences
Teacher Appreciation Week
2024-2025 PTO Officers
President - Nicci Bevington
Vice President – Tiffany Ruhe
Treasurer - Kellie Burnett
Secretary – Laina Albers
Community Development Chair – Krystal Bodey